Monday 25 February 2013

“The last thing we need is another Shale conference!”

These were the not so encouraging words of a senior Government Shale expert which are still ringing in my ears as I type...
And do you know what, they have a valid point. Just ‘another’ shale event is not needed.
And yet...(read more here) as the independent producer of Shale UK, I will be making it my priority to bring a useful, action focused really beneficial production to the community. 
And when we use this term ‘community’, I’d like to suggest that you think of that in the broadest sense, the UK community. This community encompasses, oil & gas for sure, but also all the other interested parties, from Greenpeace to an unemployed young person in Northern England. 
We all inhabit the same islands, we all have an interest in energy, how we consume it, how much it costs, and what the best way to achieve a long term balance might be.
I’m looking forward to learning, listening and creating Shale UK as the most valuable experience for all of us. 

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