Monday 4 March 2013

It turns out that you in the UK do want to talk about shale and fracking after-all!

As the first time producer of Shale UK it’s my role to begin building a virtual team of smart, knowledgeable people who can steer this summit towards a high value experience for all concerned. And in this role, what a week I’ve had, speaking with a Global Oil Service CEO who is now chasing up a political lead for me - talk about upwards delegation! 
I had a coffee which turned out to be a master class in the global shale situation with the PWC top chap for Oil & Gas, Adam Lyons. 
And I began to address the admittedly thorny (but we better face this elephant in the room early don’t you think) issue of how communities, real people, actually cope with or even thrive on, oil and gas developments. This steering committee fellow knows his oil and gas inside out, having led a local council dealing with oil companies for years and wrote the book, literally, on the Braer (1993 Shetland Oil Tanker grounding). This man speaks with a balanced and long term perspective, and is keen to be involved. 
I’m ending week two of this process truly encouraged and perhaps feeling that the answer is ‘yes’, we, the UK community, do need and more importantly, want this particular shale conference. What do you think though?